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COVID - 19


Visiting all Palmsrow Healthcare Sites

The safety and wellbeing of our residents and staff is always our highest priority at Palmsrow Healthcare.

To that end we have been working hard since the start of the year to prepare for the impact that a wider outbreak of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) could have here in the UK.

As health authorities have made clear this particular virus does present more of a risk to older people and to those individuals with pre-existing medical conditions and so we are taking extra precautionary measures to ensure that our residents and staff are as protected as possible.

As we enter the ‘delay’ phase of the outbreak response we have taken the decision to minimise the number of unnecessary visits to the home.

While we pride ourselves on being a valuable member of our local community, with numerous community groups coming into the home to interact with residents, we believe at the current time this presents an unnecessary infection risk so will be placing a temporary halt on these visits.

We will also limit non urgent contractor visits, sales calls and other non essential visits from 3rd parties.

In addition, we would request that family and friends do NOT visit the home if they are experiencing a high temperature, a cough or shortness of breath. In addition those with underlying health conditions who may be at increased risk please do NOT visit the home.

Good hand hygiene is THE most important weapon in our fight against the spread of COVID-19.

If you are family or friends and are not experiencing any symptomatic references to COVID-19 YOU REMAIN WELCOME TO VISIT OUR HOMES AT THIS PRESENT TIME.

We do however ask that you consider your visits carefully and if you can reduce the number of visits that would be beneficial.

However we respectfully request that you wash your hands more often than usual, for 20 seconds using soap and hot water, particularly after coughing, sneezing and blowing your nose, or after being in public areas where other people are doing so. Use hand sanitiser available on site.

You should also not visit the home if you have visited any of the COVID-19 infection hot spots as identified by Public Health England – either category 1 or category 2 countries.

For a full list of these countries and ‘at risk’ groups please go to:

It is prudent for older people and their families to know what they should do to limit their exposure to the illness.

How we have prepared for COVID-19

As soon as health authorities alerted us to the risk of COVID-19 our procurement team acted to ensure all of Palmsrow care homes were well stocked in terms of essential hygiene products such as hand sanitiser, bacterial hand wash and other relevant medical materials.

As a result, all of our homes are adequately supplied at present and we are working closely with our medical providers to secure regular weekly supplies.

We would encourage all visitors to use these products and observe good hand hygiene when attending the home. Please can we respectfully request that all visitors do not take any medical/cleaning materials off site.

Please ask a staff member if you need any help.

We would like to reassure our residents, their families, our staff and visitors that in line with our 'Coronavirus Strategy, we are prepared for any suspected outbreak in accordance with published NHS Guidelines.

Thankyou for your cooperation.

Palmsrow Healthcare team.

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