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To all families and visitors of Palmsrow Healthcare Facilities

New Visiting Guidance (additional restrictions from 20th March 2020)

In light of new national guidance, we will be restricting visiting arrangements further to help limit the spread of COVID-19.

From today:

· No visitors who have flu like symptoms, colds or are self-isolating are allowed to visit (this of course includes the COVID-19 symptoms of a high temperature, a new dry persistent cough and new shortness of breath).

· People should not visit if they are in self isolation as per national guidance.

· Residents will now be asked to identify only 1 visitor who must be an immediate family member or loved one. This person must be notified to the home and must be the only visitor each time there is a visit unless there are exceptional circumstances agreed with the home in advance.

· Visits must be limited to one visit per day, for a maximum duration of one hour.

Please note:

· Vulnerable people must not visit – this would be any person who is immuno-compromised, is usually invited for a flu vaccine and/or aged over 70.

  • All visitors MUST wash their hands on entry and exit to the unit.

  • No children under 16 to visit unless exceptional circumstances.

Please encourage residents to consider other ways of keeping in touch instead of face to face visiting like phone calls to mobiles or Facetime etc.


Visitors may discuss the one per resident rule with a view to change with nurse in charge when:

• the resident is receiving end-of-life care

If the relative/loved one is suspected or confirmed as having COVID 19:

Visiting will not be allowed, the clinical condition of the resident will be reviewed carefully by the Home Manager/Nurse in charge of their care, and they may allow visiting in exceptional circumstances only.

If in extreme circumstances that visiting is granted personal protective equipment must be used throughout the visit, gloves, apron and surgical mask.

If you are unable to visit, the team will agree with you a way to keep you updated at frequent intervals.

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